

Monday evening I went to a friend's. A boy who asked me to call him to hang out. We watched football and talked about a little of everything. He sat beside me, but not touching. And not trying for kisses. And I wasn't dissapointed, just a little suprised. So maybe he's not interested or maybe he's shy. In any case, I don't really have a huge desire to call him again. I may, I may not.

I went to bed Monday night, feeling fine. I woke up two hours into my sleep hot and sweaty and fevered with a killer headache and throat so sore I couldn't swallow. I barely slept the rest of the night, taking breaks from my cold sweats to walk around my appartement and take small small sips of water.

Tuesday, I skipped two out of three classes and slept the rest of the day. Today, I wrote like a mad woman my paper that's due tomorrow (I think it's pretty good). And I studied my ass off for my midterm tomorrow, which I may do half decent in.

And so tonight, which just turned into tomorrow morning fourteen minutes ago, I will go to bed and smile to myself because studying tonight with two boys I know made me in a happier mood than I have been in two days.

Funny how sitting with a boy you've crushed on for a month doesn't do it, but flirting with an old high school friend does.

wunderwuman at

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