
We'll hold hands like in the movies

Ahh, Thanksgiving weekend, one of my favourite of the year.

Today started at seven, with an early morning (not to mention hard) practice, but that's alright. I had breakfast, a nap, a shower and went to class.

Tonight is a few beer at the pub, a football game under the lights and a warm feeling that I always get from friends and cold air in the evenings and scarves and mittens.

With the change of every season, I get this happy feeling. I'm sure it says something about me, psychologically. That my favourite times of the year are transitional, I'm not sure. But the smell of the fall, the way you can start to see your breath, the feeling of pulling out your favourite mittens, wrapping scarves around your neck, cute toques, and eventually pretty winter jackets. This is my favourite time of year, my favourite month. Earlier today I was cranky but without me noticing, it's worn off and been replaced with the great feeling of excitement and love.

And now I must return the phone call of a cute boy who asked if he could buy me a beer tonight. :)

wunderwuman at

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