
Mona Lisa's and mad hatters

I thought that I'd be ok. I thought I wouldn't miss him, because I had grown used to not missing him. But then he was here and touching me and greeting me in the morning and in the afternoon after work. And now, as much as I don't want to, I want him to be here.

My older brother is home for a little over two weeks. Him and my dad came up tonight. Called me and told me to meet them at Mexi's, so I biked over.

Tomorrow we are going kayaking for the whole weekend. I've never been in a kayak in my life. I also (as embarassed as I am to say this) never camped outside in the wilderness that wasn't a campground. So I'm actually really thrilled about this weekend.

I'm tired today and feel generally exhausted. I keep waiting for that boy to call, the one I kissed. And he hasn't, so I think he won't. That doesn't make me so sad really, because I know now more so than before that I'm really not ready for something new, no matter how casual it may be. It's just that, after sleeping alone and then sleeping with a boy who smiled at me in the morning, I realized that sleeping with someone is so easy to get used to.

wunderwuman at

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