
Things are gonna get brighter

4.28 pn

I'm sitting here and I can still feel him on my body. I can still smell him on my skin. I'll be able to all day and I like that.

3.59 pm


Girl: I find it hard to believe people who don't think that we came from monkeys cause we're so much like them. I mean, I never took any classes to show me how we're the same, but even if you just watch them. . .
Boy: What if God just made us look the same as monkeys?
Girl: What if we just evolved from monkeys and there is no God?
Boy: What if it's a test of fate?
Girl: So then why did God make us destroy the earth?
Boy: Maybe it was Satan who made us do that.
Girl: That's a really good answer.

I never thought about it that was before. I don't think I give the Devil enough credit.

wunderwuman at

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