
Winding down, working up

I like the mood the office gets every Friday afternoon. There are more smiles, more chat, more friendly banter. Friday's are great for more reasons than the approaching weekend.

It always strikes me as a little funny how things become familiar without you realizing it. What becomes routine. How at the first of the summer, it felt like I would never get used to waking up at seven, at working til five, at not watching Days, not living on my own schedule. And now that the summer's almost over, I look back and it almost feels like yesterday.

Though it's the type of yesterday when you're not sure if it really happened. You have thisd vague recollection of a person you met or used to know, and you're not sure if you remember them correctly. If how you think you were is accurate. If you're really that different now, or if you're really that similar.

wunderwuman at

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