
I think he follows her around

Another weekend of what I needed. Spent with family only, shopped, watched Liam play baseball, ate, laughed.

Today before we left the city, we went to Saint Mary's and went up to see my room. Walked around campus. Everything will work out well, I think. I'm nervous, but the excited type of nervous. I guess I move in August 28, there are six people in my section, we all share a bathroom. And the girl who showed us thought it was co-ed, which was fine. I hope it's not all frosh though. I'm not quad-side but I can see a little of the field. AHH. I am very excited.

The amount of money that was spent this weeken, both on and by me, is a little steep, but it's things I've needed.
two pairs of shoes from ALDO, but so nice (one black loafer, one brown more sporty)
two pairs of Levi jeans
multi-coloured sweater from Roots (very nice)
(all on sale) blue linen tanktop, khaki short skirt and off white knee length skirt

Now I am wondering what to bring to Toronto (since I'm going in less than two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and what to wear on the plane. I wonder if Elliot will come to pick me up.

Also, am quite fond of the new Jimmy Rankin song, Follow Her Around. It's good. I knew it wouldn't take long for him to go solo. Ahhhh, ok that's about it.

Plan for rest of summer:
August 9 -August 13: Toronto
August 24: last day of work
August 25 - August 27: finish packing
August 28: move into res
August 29 - August 31: frosh leader camp
September 2: frosh week starts
September 5 (I think): classes.

Ahh. I was worried about this year, that I didn't want to go back. That's out the window now. k8.

wunderwuman at

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