
My friend Kate

It's been hot hot hot outside since Friday, and I think it's great. Finally, by mid-July, it's started to feel like summer.

I'm covering for this woman's vacation and she really didn't teach me how to do much of what is coming at me. So, fed up and defensive, I am leving the majority of it for her. (Voice of Stewie from Family Guy) That's right, you enjoy your little vacation. . . . heh I love that show.

So by ten this morning I was completely fed up. I wanted to pull out my hair and punch someone in the teeth. Noon came and since I neglected to bring a lunch today, I decided to bike home in 30 degree weather. Smart? Well, it burned off my frusteration and let me have a relaxing pb&j sandwich followed by a yummy apple. Blah. Then I biked back, only to arrive close to 15 minutes late. And do I care? Not in the absolute slightest amount. In fact, I wish that I would get fired. Oh fuck!! I forgot to run a report, I have to go do that now. :) kate. (ps- I've started to sign my emails and refer to myself as kate. weird since I've hated that my whole life. now I just think it's kind of. . .cute. of course, only the priveleged are allowed. . . . )

wunderwuman at

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