
One Month Letter

Dear Alena,
You are one month old today. I saw you for the first time only a month ago. It is hard for me to believe, because you have become such an integral part of our family already.

You are patient, and fairly relaxed. You are getting so strong and alert sometimes. And yet, you are still so unpredictable. Despite how tired I feel some mornings, it's part of what I love about you, every day is different, every day is new.

You've surprised me, in many ways. I worried that I wouldn't be able to love you, that I wouldn't know how to love two children. And yet, you barreled into my heart, ripping down barriers and I have fallen madly and completely in love with you.

That's the thing with being a parent, the thing that has surprised me the most over these past two years. Everyday I think that I couldn't possibly have any more love in my heart, and yet every morning, it grows. You will never understand the profoundness of this feeling until you have children of your own.

I sit with you each morning as the sun rises. I watch the sun slowly light the room, fighting against the curtains to break through. I listen to the birds wake and sing to each other (it happens at four thirty), and every morning, I am grateful for you, and grateful for the time we have alone together. You fit so perfectly into my arms, and then you sigh and settle and lay your cheek against me and every morning I think that there is nothing better in the world than being a mother.

You are perfect, in so many ways.
love, your mama

wunderwuman at 9:29 p.m.

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