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So, somewhat anti-climactically, I have reached my pre-pregnancy weight. I say anti-climactically because my pants still do not fit, my belly still looks kind of� loose. The stretch marks are still there and my breasts still dribble milk at random intervals throughout the day which makes me feel more functional than sexy. But stepping on the scale last night was a nice pick-me-up before we went out.

That is right, we went out. To an Art Award
and I had a glass of wine and we looked at the exhibits and then we went to a puband I had a beer and we were dressed up and I did my hair and wore makeup and even got checked out and wow, it turns out I had kind of forgotten how it felt to be human.

Also, did I mention I got a little impulsive on Monday at the hair dressers and cut my hair all off and dyed it brown? And then bought bright red lipstick? Steve called it a quarter-life crises, I call it finally coming out of Baby Haze.

There is more, I suppose, but Leila slept poorly last night and despite a nap this afternoon I am really tired. And we have still more company coming tomorrow, which will result in a frenzied morning of making beds and cleaning the tub and sweeping the floors.

I thought I saw an ex-boyfriend last night at the pub we went to, someone I have not seen in years and years. In the end, I don�t think it was him, although it was a little strange. Not only to think about how different life is now, but it kind of hangs on the heels of thoughts I have been having the past week or two about how life carries all across the world, about how even though you don�t feel the change everyday, we are constantly changing and growing and aging and sometimes you blink and the years have passed and although it feels normal to have a child and a fiance and a house, when you see someone else you used to know in a completely different place than they were way back when, it always makes you wonder how it is that they got to where they are now.

Or maybe it is just me.

wunderwuman at 10:26 p.m.

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