
A Letter to Steve

Dear Steve

Thank you. Thank you because you make every day that I am overdue better. Thank you for taking the last two days off work and telling me that everything is ok and that really, she will really come soon.

Thank you for making my pancakes into a smiling face this morning and thank you for keeping me busy and occupied on these days. Thank you for suggesting acupuncture and thank you for making me my raspberry leaf tea, too. Thank you for sweeping the floor and sorting the laundry this morning, thank you for making supper for me almost every night for the past two months. Thank you for not getting mad at me when I get mad at stupid things, like the squeaky sound that the windshield wipers make when there is not enough rain falling and thank you for letting me cry.

Thank you for making me laugh a hundred times a day with the little games you play and jokes you make.

These past ten days have seemed like a lifetime, and yet it is still a little hard to fathom that at the end of it all, we will be three instead of two. We will bring home a baby, an impossibly small person who we will love and take care of and who will rely on us one hundred percent. After nine months of thinking about pregnancy and now one month of thinking about labour, sometimes it can be difficult to see beyond what we have been waiting for, which is a lifetime as parents.

Thank you for telling me yesterday that you knew I would be a good mom and that you did not think I would have the trouble bonding with her that I am worried about because you could see the love on my face while I watched our baby move on the ultrasound screen.

I know that I am moody and emotional and hormonal and it makes me love you more that you are so patient with me.

Now if we could just get this kid to come out.

love, kaitlyn

wunderwuman at 11:25 a.m.

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