
This entry has been brought to you by the phrase pre-pregnancy and the letter B

Our walk this morning was delayed a whole two hours and counting by the fuel man coming to clean our furnace. (Side note. We got or bill Monday and it had a little sticker that said book for cleaning and then today the cleaning man showed up. There was no booking, just cleaning.) Anyhoo, this resulted in two things.

  • Me being woken up by my dog going nuts at whoever was knocking on the door, and
  • Milo pacing around the living room whining for an hour because she heard strange people in our basement. Eventually she settled down, layed by the door and looked at me with eyes that implied a broken heart. The thought bubble above her head said Why, Mom WHY are we still inside it is walk time PLEEEAAASSSE?? Ah dogs.

    So I got up the guts to go to my French coffee group yesterday and was really happy that I went. It was just a bunch of women sitting around gossiping. They all had kids and let them tear around the place while they chatted. There were a handful of toddlers/preschoolers and three babies. One five months old, one was one month old and one seven (SEVEN!) days old. I went over and looked at him (so cute in his little fleece sleepers!) and thought to myself I can totally take care of something that small. Which is much better than thinking, Sweet Mother of God what have I gotten myself into? Also, the mom looked like she had not slept in seven days. Also? She was wearing a belly shirt (yikes!) and had a lot of stretch marks. And another thing? She started feeding the baby while she was sitting at the table, and I saw her nipple and it was big. Scratch that, it was huge. Like, it was almost bigger than the babys face. And I am totally not even exaggerating. Is this normal? Are my nipples in for the shock of a lifetime? Are they going to be that big? I consoled myself by saying that she probably had big nipple to begin with, but the doubt settled in when I remembered my perky little pink pre-pregnancy nipples compared to my larger, darker, always poking out nipples of today. Maybe an even bigger change is in store for my breasts?

    I bought new panties yesterday. I finally gave up on tugging constantly at my waistline in an attempt to keep my cute little panties on my ever growing self. I bought more practical ones in a bigger size. I tried a pair on for Steve once we got home and he said Wow, they really cover a lot more of your bum than the other ones in a somewhat dismayed voice. I promised they would shrink in the dryer and at least I bought pretty ones, right? As supportive as Steve is, I think he will be happy to get back to the pre-pregnancy little panties, bikinis and sexy bras. He has also expressed delight about after I get back to my pre-pregnancy body shape that my boobs will not shrink back. Oh yeah, imagine you as fit as you were before with these big things?! It is going to be awesome! I reminded him that he will probably get a face full of milk at some point, but he did not seem to mind.

    I wish these furnace men would hurry up and leave now, I have some doggie walking to do! This little delay did, however, end up in my dusting (finally!) and sweeping up the dog fur. Today I have decided on weights and cardio at the gym, but cannot seem to find my favourite (and, coincidentally, only one that does not painfully squish my boobs) sports bra. Also? What is the deal with big breasted women? Do you wear sports bras? Are there special big breasted sports bras out there? Do you wear regular bras? And if so, what about the bouncing? Mine are ever growing, and after this kid arrives, I want to start running again. My mom warned me of the pain of engorged breasts bouncing. So, if you have any suggestions, suggest away!

    The furnace men have left, Milo is barking, and I need to go bundle up for walk time.

    wunderwuman at 11:48 a.m.

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