
Where in the world have you been hiding?

I was really hoping to report that I felt the baby move over the holidays, but no such luck. I have felt a couple little twinges here and there that may have been something, but it is nothing like what I expected and always in the exact same spot. Which leads me to believe that they are growing pains not baby kicks.

Tomorrow I see the doc and meet my midwife and probably get booked for an anatomy ultrasound (and gender too I hope!) so I will update more then. Until I hear the heartbeat or see my little sprout on the screen I am trying not to worry about no kicks, the fall on the ice I had or the stomach bug I caught one night in the DR. Sheesh.

I feel good though and I suppose that is what matters the most. I am 19 weeks and almost halfway there, which is insane in a way. But now it is time for supper, a shower and hopefully some nookie.

wunderwuman at 5:50 p.m.

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