
Steve stole the speakers this morning so I have nothing to listen to

I was furiously rummaging through my closet this morning, trying to find something flattering to wear to the Christmas party tonight because all of my previous ideas were quickly flying out the window. Then I stumbled upon a dress that my mother had given me last year. She had been at Frenchys (a second-hand store at home) and found this really sweet ankle length black velvet dress with spaghetti straps. I contemplated wearing it to a couple parties last Christmas, but quickly turned to something more current, sexier and that would better show off my newly toned body I had been working on. This morning though, I thought to myself, hmmmm, and tried it on. Once I paired it with my cream knit shrug that I bought from the Maternity store in Halifax, that has a cream satin ribbon instead of a button in the front, my opal earrings and matching necklace, my diamond ring that was my graduation present from my parents and a pair of cute Nine West ankle boots that have heels that are really, just too high for anyone but look so good, I found myself a cute, stylish, flattering outfit. And I must say, there is not much of anything these days that feels flattering.

Everyone says this in-between period is the worst, because I look not-quite-pregnant, but not-quite-like-I-did-before. They say that in a month or so, once it becomes more obvious, I will feel better about myself and my growing belly. Lately, though I just feel kind of frumpy and fat. Although my boobs are growing and this dress nicely emphasizes that fact.

I got my hair done Wednesday, I am going to give myself a manicure and pedicure today, shave my legs, wear my contacts, style my hair and take some time to put some makeup on. After that, I should feel sexy once again.

We are going to a pre-party at four (!) and then there are cocktails (come on Shrimp Cocktails!) at five, dinner at five-thirty and then a dance afterwards. Due to the fact that I am not drinking and going to be wearing two inch heels, I will not be doing much dancing, but I am going to try to get Steve good and buzzed.

Also it is a snow storm here today, which makes me think that I should bring other shoes to wear through the show and while I drive. I find it really hard to drive in big heels, let alone walk through a foot of snow. I am inclined to think that because of this weather cabs will be few and far between tonight, so yay for a guaranteed DD! And yay for an outfit that looks nice! And yay for an afternoon of pampering myself! So, off I go!

wunderwuman at 11:20 a.m.

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