
Take a ride with me

I like to investigate things. Last night I drank beer and played pool and pinball. Then I came upstairs with the intent of getting a glass of water and ended up in bed hours before everyone else.

I woke up early, but lazed in bed, watching tv and reading and dozing off and on for a few hours. Then I got dressed and went for a forty minute bike ride. I took some pictures of boats and docks, which are going to look almost the same as boats and docks in Nova Scotia, I assume.

I came back and sat in the sun. Then I sat in the hottub, then I ate some salad.

Life here on the west coast is slow moving. Everyone is more relaxed about smoking pot, but at the same time, they don't care if you don't want to. The ocean doesn't smell the same, though. I tasted it too, it's less salty. Smells less fishy, less like rotting seaweed, which is a little strange to me.

I've swam in the Atlantic Ocean and the Medeterrian Sea. I've touched the Pacific Ocean. In the last three years, I've been to a new place every year. I can't wait to spend sunny afternoons with Eva at her cottage, slowly sipping on mixed fruity drinks. I had gin for the first time all year a few weeks ago. That was my welcome to summertime. Time for Blue Saphire gin and SKYY vodka split with Eva.

One time last summer, we went to a beer garden that was set up in New Glasgow for the anual Riverfront Festival. It was me, her and Anushe, a girl I workd with. We drank way too much gin and Long Island Iced Teas before we left and kept drinking them while we were there. I told them I was going to get sick, so Eva decided to stand up on a chair and dance to distract attention from me while I leaned under the table and threw up. Anushe just sat and laughed at us.

What I'm trying to say though these words are awkward and bumpy at times it that I'm lucky to be me. I'm lucky to have the friends I do, the family I do. Even though it hurts right now, I'm lucky to have loved that boy this year. I learned a lot about myself this year, and I liked almost all of what I discovered. It's been a long time, if ever, that I haven't been afraid of what I would find if I looked into myself. And I guess that makes everything worthwhile.

wunderwuman at

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